Monday, January 31, 2011

Squirrel or Bear?

Saturday I was handed this:
I then asked if it was a gummy squirrel?
I then was laughed at by Matson and his friend M*.

I need you to answer this question:
Does the above picture look more like a squirrel or a bear?

Friday, January 14, 2011

horoscopes: to believe or not to believe.

i am not one of those people into horoscopes. i find them to actually be quite hilarious. the last seventeen magazine addition i read (yes, i read seventeen magazine. my grandmother bought my sister and i a subscription to it years ago and she just keeps renewing it. they get sent to my parent's house now so i don't see them much but there have been many great stories of reading them. both good/weird information on workouts & health, sometimes cute outfit ideas, sometimes horrible outfit ideas, and there have been numerous hilarious sessions of laughing at the girls in "tramaurama") something along the lines of, "you will grab the spotlight...and you've got creativity to spare." I am not creative and there was not any spotlight time that had recently occurred or in the future. therefore that horoscope was lame. like most.

Anyway before Christmas Matson and I were up in SLC at Gateway Mall where we walked in Anthro and shopped around for awhile. Matson was into Anthro's amazing store layout and displays. They are amazing, anyone else agree? Look at these:

Hello sweetest milk gallon snow globe!
Hey there, sweet ornament chaos!

Bonjour flowers made from  crazy bent books!
Honestly, who is the creator and designer behind all of these and where can I get her number? Find out and tell me. Seriously. I want them to decorate my future dream home out of junk from D.I.!! Cheap and amazingly creative. You will all envy my sweet Anthro designed home. 

SOOOO back to the point. We came across this book with horoscope like-ish things for each person's birthday. Read mine:

 After I read this I felt like a lot of what I read was true...I promise I am not trying to flatter myself here. I just felt like for the first time one of my horoscopes was halfway correct. I am somewhat energetic, strong willed, and I guess it is true I have always been the leader type. I like "entertainments"...if that means movies, shows, musicals, concerts, etc. then YES! AND yes, I would think that most my friends are quite gay as in happy and vivacious as in animated, then YES!


I think Matson's is pretty close to him too. Although not many people know this about Matson...he really does love art and music. He appreciates it much more than I do. He also is quite popular...he knows everyone at the gym and a half hour workout takes 2 hours due to the fact that after one rep he has to talk to someone!

Moral of the Story: Horoscopes aren't that bad. 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

public bathroom experience

i despise lines.
especially bathroom lines.
today i had been holding (if you know what i mean) for quite a while.
i rushed to the closest bathroom, then was stopped by a line of woman waiting for their turn.
the line was long, but this was not the worst part of my experience in the bathroom today.
i was in the front.
a woman came out of her stall.
i walked into the stall and... 
the most disgusting smell. the chick before me totally unloaded (if you know what i mean). 
 i now know why people don't use public bathrooms.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Hold it until you get home.  

Thursday, January 6, 2011

big news at our house!

what's the big news? nope, no baby. but still really big news! Matson FINALLY got into BYU! If you know Matson then you know that this has been a big goal of his for a long time and he can now finally check it off his goal list. The 5th time was the charm! He was super excited, but I was even more SUPER DUPER excited. I seriously am so happy to have him reach his goal and be able to see him morme during the day! He found out the night before classes so he shaved and signed up for classes quite fast! Now after the first couple days of school his excitement has already turned to stress and craziness.

To celebrate after his first day of school at BYU his family and us went to Outback!
Outback Dinner...look Matson shaved. So weird!