Friday, October 26, 2012

Fall Snack // Dried Pears

One of my favorite things about fall is dried pears. I have always loved them and I do not like store bought ones, which is why I must dry my own pears every fall. It is so simple and the yummiest snack. Dried pears are much sweeter than apples (which is probably why I like them so ddaaang much).

Using a small paring knife (or whatever knife you prefer) you first cut the skin off your pears. Then slice the pears in thin 1cm thick slices. Place the slices on your dehydrator racks. Dry 6-8 hours or whatever your dehydrator's directions say for pears/fruit.

My Tips:
  • Use as much of the pear as you can. I literally have the thinnest core of the pear left. Even the smallest pieces still dry to be yummy dried pears! 
  • I cut and put my pears on the dehydrator right before bed, then I wake up and they are done. I then cut more in the morning and leave them there all day. Repeat.
  • I bought my Nesco American Harvest Snackmaster Encore Dehydrator and Jerky Maker from Bed, Bath, and Beyond

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